Business Analysis Report

Learning Outcomes This task assesses the following unit objectives: 3. Communicate effectively and professionally in oral and written forms in a business context; 4. Critically investigate the internal and task environment of a specific Australian business entity, and develop recommendations relating to a contemporary management challenge This task assesses the following Assurance of Learning (AoL) goals: 1.1- Knowledge & Technical Skills (KS) Demonstrate and apply integrated & advanced discipline and professional practice knowledge, including knowledge of relevant research principles & methods; 2.1- Higher Order Thinking Skills (HO) Critically investigate real world business issues and problems drawing on analysis, evaluation & synthesis of discipline knowledge, including theory & practice; 3.1- Professional Communication (PC) Use information literacy skills and communicate effectively and professionally in written forms and using media appropriate for diverse purposes, contexts and audiences

5.1- Social, Ethical & Global Understanding (SEG) Demonstrate and apply knowledge of ethical and legal principles and practices of business in critically analysing and effectively responding to complex business issues Task Requirements Critically analyse the internal and task environment of the case company and provide recommendations for the management in relation to a key topic. In order to do this you will need to: 1. Briefly introduce the organisation and analyse its internal and task environment (draw on wider reading and the field trip) 2. Choose one of the topics below and identify potential challenges for the company that relate to it (strengths and weaknesses) Topic 1: Innovation Topic 2: Employment Relations Topic 3: Stakeholder Engagement 3. Provide recommendations to the management which will help them address the main challenges you have identified 

Business Analysis Report Structure: Title Page Include your name, student number, name of the subject, Contents Page Introduction: Introduce the organisation and outline the structure of your report Body (use your own sub-headings not the word ‘body’) Analyse the organisations task environment; Explore the chosen topic Definitions/ key concepts explained in detail drawing on theory and integrating with the case Critically reflect on the potential challenges for the company related to the topic (strengths/weaknesses based on your analysis) Recommendations What should the company DO to address the challenges you identify? Conclusion Summary of your mai

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