What is the relationship between mental health and gambling addictions?

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Subject area- Social work

Research question- What is the relationship between mental health and gambling addictions?

Gambling problems share many similarities with mental health issues.  This research project will obtain health professionals understanding of the relationship between gambling addiction and mental health issues.

This research project aims to explore the factors which social workers consider to be connected with both mental health and gambling addictions.

-Quantitative survey method among social workers worked/working in the field of mental health and gambling addictions. The participants of the study are social workers who were surveyed by online questionnaire of 10 questions. In this survey participants have to give their rate the variables showing the extend of link between mental health and gambling addictions.

Participants-Social workers who have worked or currently working in the area of gambling addictions in New Zealand.

A link to the online questionnaire will be distributed electronically via  the ANZASW( Aotearoa New Zealand Association for Social Workers)

, and anonymous responses will be collected via the online survey tool, Survey monkey

Conducting a survey would obtain the views of social worker’s working in the area of gambling addictions.  It is also hope to get better knowledge for the social workers seeking employment in this field of practice.

Please note– Everything should match with New Zealand context and field of practice

Online Questionnaire

Research topic- Gambling addictions

What is the relationship between mental health and gambling addictions?

1-How frequently the following mental health disorders seen in problem gamblers presenting in mental health settings?

Please indicate the rating for each item on a scale of 1= Never 2 Rarely 3 Sometimes 4 Often 5 Almost always

– Depression 1 –   2 –  3 –  4 –  5

– Anxiety 1 –   2 –  3 –  4 –  5

– Antisocial personality 1 –   2 –  3 –  4 –  5

-Manic episodes 1 –   2 –  3 –  4 –  5

– Phobias 1 –   2 –  3 –  4 –  5

Other disorders [text box]

2-To what degree does problem gambling adversely affect clients in the following aspects of life?

Please indicate the rating for each item on a scale of:

1 Not a problem   2 Minor problems 3 Moderate problem 4 Serious problem 5 Extremely serious problem

– Relationships   1 –   2 –  3 –  4 –  5

– Finances 1 –   2 –  3 –  4 –  5

– Work 1 –   2 –  3 –  4 –  5

– Income 1 –   2 –  3 –  4 –  5

– Study 1  –   2  –  3  –  4  –  5

3-What are most frequent modes of gambling health professionals come across in the mental health setting?

1= Never 2 Rarely 3 Sometimes 4 Often 5 Almost always

– Poker machines

– Online lottery games

– Playing cards

– Casino games

– Betting

Other modes of gambling [text box]

4-In assessment the common co-morbid substance abuse in problem gamblers noted?

– Cannabis

– Cocaine

– Alcohol

– Cigarette

5-Which among the following treatment modalities/interventions used to treat   gambling addiction in your setting?

1= Never 2 Rarely 3 Sometimes 4 Often 5 Almost always


-Strengths based

-Complementary services


-Problem solving skill training/inpatient programs

Other treatment [text box]

6- How important are the following items that can act as stressors for clients experiencing gambling addiction? Please indicate the level of importance for each item on a scale of 1=Not important and 5=Extremely important

– Financial pressure

– Loss of employment

– Alcohol dependence

– Relationship issues

Other stressors [text box]

7- What all are the ways dealing with gambling cravings?

– Avoid isolation

– Engage with many activities

– Meditation/exercise

– Phone support

Other ways [text box]

8- How effective is general screening in early detection of gambling    addiction? Please indicate the level of importance on a scale of 1=Not important and 5=Extremely important

9- Please indicate the prevalence of different age group and gender presenting to mental health setting with gambling addiction?

1(10%) 2(20%) 3(30%) 4(40%)………..10(100%)



– Transgender

– Children up to 18 years

-Young people (18-25 years of age)


10, Which of the following methods the gamblers seeking professional support?   Please indicate the level of importance on a scale of 1=Not important and 5=Extremely important

-Online chat

-Phone support/ Toll free number

– Face to Face appointments

-Through external agencies

Other methods [text box]

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